Koh Yao Noi Rice Farming.

Koh Yao Noi has one of the best rice growing areas in Andaman. By preserving and continuing rice farming. Because Ko Yao people have been connected to farming since their ancestors until the present, more than 100 years ago, and it may be considered that the rice fields of Ko Yao District are the last large rice fields in the middle of the Andaman Sea. The taste is delicious. This is because the rice grown on the island is surrounded by sea water. Koh Yao rice has good taste.
Rice seedlings.
Rice Field.
Koh Yao Noi Island remains a very natural, quiet and easy place to live: Koh Yao Noi and its surroundings gathers in
a short distance some of the most interesting things to be discovered in South Thailand, in one of the most beautiful
locations. Koh Yao Noi Island sits at latitude eight degrees north and enjoys a tropical climate characterized by year round high temperatures and fairly little rainfall due to its position. During the months of May-July and again in September-October Monsoon winds refresh the island with evening gusts that see the palm trees swaying and the odd downpour is possible.Best advice, however, is to arm yourself with sun tan lotion as the weather is mostly good.
Koh Yao people have been connected to farming since their ancestors until the present, more than 100 years ago. It is considered to create food security. When there was leftover food, it was divided and sold. In the past, farmers farmed using chemicals. But now they have turned to farming all organic rice. and is the largest rice farming area in the Andamans. And it is the last rice field in Phang Nga Province. Koh Yao District has the most rice growing area in Phang Nga Province. It is the last large organic rice field in Phang Nga. Make it to eat, then sell the leftovers, creating another source of income for farmers. There are 264 rice farmers with an area of ​​838 rai. The way of life of Koh Yao people has been closely related to rice farming since their ancestors until the present.
It can be noted that even the naming of a surname indicates pride in being a farmer, such as Thainaplaw ( Plowing the rice fields smoothly ), Damnadee( Cultivating the fields well ) , Wongna ( Rice fields Family ), Hankiao ( Brave Sickle ), Sahuanthai ( Conserving the plow ),WangThaiKlong ( Laying down the plow smoothly ), Kongkawreab ( Piling rice smoothly),Tamnakla ( Making a seedling field ), Thaiaem (Plowing smoothly), etc.